Books are organized by the Library of Congress classification scheme - that gives you the call number on the book, which tells you were the book is on the shelf. The books are arranged by subject, for example literature books are in the PNs.
The best way to find a specific book, like one on Steve Jobs is to do a search in the library catalog. That will give you a list of results, and those records will tell you what the call number of the book is so that you can find it on the shelf. For example, I did a keyword search (the default for our catalog) for Steve Jobs, and got a list of about 14 books.
Again, searching for a specific country's culture would be best done in the catalog, with a keyword search like this: Korea AND culture which will get you about 6 titles on the topic. If you want a particular aspect of culture you could do a search like this: Japan AND culture AND anime and you will find about 6titles our library has on that topic, or UAE AND culture AND women for the 3 titles we have with that combination of terms in the records.