Answered By: Shaimaa Sakr
Last Updated: Sep 04, 2014     Views: 54

if you are of campus you can follow the follwoing instruction:

The ZU Extranet provides off campus access to library databases.

Use the ZU Extranet to access library databases from anywhere off campus. Follow the steps below:

Figure 1, Extranet log-in

Figure 2, Extranet list of options

1.  Be sure you have set up a Universal Password. You do this only once. (Note: This is only available on campus)

2.  Go to the ZU Extranet web site (Note: This is only accessible from off-campus)

3.  Enter your ZU ID and Universal Password and select AUH or DXB or External (see screenshot, above left)

4.  Select "Library Databases" to access the library web site and databases as if you were on campus (see screenshot, above right)

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