Answered By: Judith Mavodza
Last Updated: May 25, 2015     Views: 10

I am not sure what your request refers to. If it is about library collection maintenance policies, I suggest you look at what other institutions that are similar to yours have posted on the web. Normally when a college or university has a collection maintenance policy, it is openly available. Some places will have a Collection Development and Maintenance Policy, while others separate them. An example of a Collection Maintenance Policy is:

If your message is about having more collection maintenance resources in the ZU library, the majority of what is available is online either as e-books or e-journal articles. If you are on campus, proceed to perform a search using “collection maintenance” as your search term and then look at the list of results. If you are not on campus, with your regular login information, you will have access to all of them.

If your question refers to how the ZU library collection is maintained, let a ZU librarian know so that you can get an appropriate explanation.

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